Chapter 11 Results

11.1 Gene expression

11.1.1 Liver

Gene expression in Liver after RT-PCR

Figure 11.1: Gene expression in Liver after RT-PCR

11.1.2 Headkidney

Gene expression in Headkidney after RT-PCR

Figure 11.2: Gene expression in Headkidney after RT-PCR

11.2 Systemic antibody response

11.2.1 Monovalent vaccines

Systemic antibody response (IgM) to monovalent vaccines

Figure 11.3: Systemic antibody response (IgM) to monovalent vaccines

11.2.2 Bivalent vaccine

Systemic antibody response (IgM) to bivalent vaccine

Figure 11.4: Systemic antibody response (IgM) to bivalent vaccine

11.3 Mucosal antibody response

11.3.1 Monovalent vaccines

Mucosal antibody response (IgM) to monovalent vaccines

Figure 11.5: Mucosal antibody response (IgM) to monovalent vaccines

11.3.2 Bivalent vaccine

Mucosal antibody response (IgM) to bivalent vaccine

Figure 11.6: Mucosal antibody response (IgM) to bivalent vaccine

11.4 Challenge test 1 (Unique)

11.4.1 Relative percentage survival (single dose)

Survival rates of samples of 20 fish Nile tilapia challenged 4 weeks after immunization with a single vaccine dose or with a control (PBS)

Figure 11.7: Survival rates of samples of 20 fish Nile tilapia challenged 4 weeks after immunization with a single vaccine dose or with a control (PBS)

11.4.2 Kaplan-Meier survival estimates for the first challenge test

Monovalent versus bivalent formulations

Survival curves using the combination of multiple factors. 20 fish Nile tilapia were challenged 4 weeks after immunization with a single vaccine dose or with a control (PBS)

Figure 11.8: Survival curves using the combination of multiple factors. 20 fish Nile tilapia were challenged 4 weeks after immunization with a single vaccine dose or with a control (PBS)

11.5 Challenge test 2 (Booster)

11.5.1 Relative percentage survival (booster)

Survival rates of samples of 20 fish Nile tilapia challenged 12 weeks after immunization with two vaccine doses (primary + booster) or with a control (PBS)

Figure 11.9: Survival rates of samples of 20 fish Nile tilapia challenged 12 weeks after immunization with two vaccine doses (primary + booster) or with a control (PBS)

11.5.2 Kaplan-Meier survival estimates for the second challenge test

Monovalent versus bivalent formulations

Survival curves using the combination of multiple factors. 20 fish Nile tilapia were challenged 12 weeks after immunization with two vaccine doses (primary + booster) or with a control (PBS)

Figure 11.10: Survival curves using the combination of multiple factors. 20 fish Nile tilapia were challenged 12 weeks after immunization with two vaccine doses (primary + booster) or with a control (PBS)